That Feral Witch

Today, and perhaps for the last two years, the tower time of society has been heavily present in my witchcraft. From workings for Ukraine to the baneful ones that my ancestors would shriek in pure delight over, there is something about the ferocity of them. This work has required being spontaneous, agile, and feral. ItContinue reading "That Feral Witch"

Health, Wealth, & Sacred Self

After this last full moon ritual, I found myself doing the work (the work we all must do) of asking some really challenging questions. The hard ones. The ones that remind us all that we can do hard things. I love this time of searching the inner landscape for what will make it bloom andContinue reading "Health, Wealth, & Sacred Self"

The Call of the Muse

She is that which lives within, the curious whisper “Now we begin again”, oh how I missed her Photo by Andy from Pexels Heading into the space between the end of winter and the beginning of spring marks the passage of transformation. Indeed, if we look hard enough, listen well enough, and use our tactileContinue reading "The Call of the Muse"

Renewing the Witch’s Spark: 3 Keys

You have the keys to the gates The ones that lead to the cauldron Upon the precipice a Witch awaits The Spark becomes a Doctrine The renewing of the Witch’s Spark at or around Imbolc is not a new idea or tradition. I am working to redefine how I connect to my witchcraft and myContinue reading "Renewing the Witch’s Spark: 3 Keys"

Witchcraft: Full-Hearted

I’m welcoming in 2022 with a full heart and witchery that aligns with the same sentiment. I am weaving together relationships, partnerships, and finding that the power of the heart is where magic really opens its doors to me. I have taken the pause, reflected, given gratitude for the lessons of 2021, and now IContinue reading "Witchcraft: Full-Hearted"

FA LA LA LA LA Witchmás!

In keeping with the great revamp, I needed to really look at my own traditions to find what feels Hygge, or cozy, warm, and sparks authentic joy. We are preparing for Yule (Winter Solstice) in the Northern Hemisphere, and I noticed that I have not felt deeply connected to Yule, the typical Winter Solstice activities,Continue reading "FA LA LA LA LA Witchmás!"

The Great Revamp

The beauty that I am finding in the Winter season is the heightened sense of awareness of my own inner workings and the calmness that has overtaken my inner landscape. I have found myself at a threshold, reflecting upon the journey of 2021 while simultaneously looking forward to the journey of 2022. Indeed, many ofContinue reading "The Great Revamp"

The Witch & The Spider

As the year of the Owl and the Witch is coming to a close, the great letting go of fear to fly higher has left me swaying in the liminal space of ‘I can’t believe that happened’ and ‘I am proud that I was able to see a different path forward’. I confess: Owl isContinue reading "The Witch & The Spider"

Finding the Medicine of Scorpio

This month has so far found me being rebellious, my inner observer seeming to become more challenging. After the new moon in Scorpio, many of us may feel overly sensitive to our own thoughts, feelings, or actions that may not fit into a societal status quo. The upcoming Mars transit in Scorpio, especially when squaringContinue reading "Finding the Medicine of Scorpio"

Why Witchcraft is Home

  Have you ever noticed it? We may find it when we are blending incense or creating new potions. It is that space of knowing, where nothing else matters except that very moment. We pour our ingredients from the heart, and we have our energetic vibrations attuned to each one. We are home. It isContinue reading "Why Witchcraft is Home"